
We at Sirius greatly care about your well-being, and are there to help you when needed. Studying can be stressful at times, and even though a little bit of stress won’t harm you, it can negatively influence your life if the stress becomes too much. We hope you find the information on this page useful if you are struggling in any way. The UT offers various resources for free. Please know that you are not alone in this and that there is a lot of help out there. 

Feeling lost? You can always email the Commissioner of educational Affairs at education@siriusenschede.nl and we will figure this out together.

An overview of all UT initiatives is:

→ General UT well-being website. https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/sacc/well-being/

Need someone to talk to?

Study advisors

Whenever you are experiencing troubles your study advisor would be your first point of contact. They are not just for study related issues. The study advisors can provide a listening ear and redirect you to the available resources that they deem suited. You can reach your study advisor by emailing them or by planning an appointment through the links.

tnw.planner.utwente.nl | bms.planner.utwente.nl

Well-being study advisors

You might not know her yet but Mirjam Koehorst is the well being study advisor for BMS, S&T students are welcome as well. She works closely with the various well-being initiatives and institutions at the university. You can make an appointment with her or drop by during her walk in hours you can find on her page. On some days she brings her dog (Hoppus) you can come cuddle to de-stress!


Confidential counsellors

In cases of undesirable behaviour or unequal treatment, the confidential counsellor acts independently of the UT and acts as a sounding board and mediator and also has a duty of confidentiality in this regard. The confidant does not judge or take decisions. The confidant can advise you or mediate between the conflicting parties, with or without the help of a third party.


Would you rather speak with student your age? There are also UT students trained to be a peer-listener and will keep everything you share completely confidential. They can give you advice, play a supporting role in finding a solution to a problem, or just listen to you vent.


Student psychologist

Student psychologists offer short-term, solution-oriented help with study problems and/or personal problems. You can come to them if, for example, you suffer from performance anxiety or procrastination, as well as sadness, anxiety, insecurity or family problems. All students at the University of Twente can use the services of the student psychologist. No referral is needed and it is free of charge. 


UT resources


The Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling (SACC) offers help and support in difficult times. Need help but don't know where to turn? Contact Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling and they will help you find a suitable form of support! You can find them in the Vrijhof (room 311). You can also email sacc@utwente.nl. For more information about SACC also feel free to visit www.utwente.nl/sacc.

Sexual violence

Sexual violence means all sexual acts that a person is forced to perform, undergo or witness. Sexual violence or harassment is most common in the student age group. If you are/were a victim of sexual violence (sexual assault, rape) feel free to seek help or support because it is there. We know it takes real courage to take this step and hope this information will help you.

Well-being canvas page

This canvas page provides an overview of all the resources the UT has to offer regarding student wellbeing. You can find information, self help resources and the UT also offers various courses you can follow free of charge. For example a course for stress management, but there are many others. The workshops often take around 3 hours and give you advice on how to deal with stress and how to take back control of your life.


Other support lines outside of the UT

Should you be looking for other help, there are also national initiatives that may be able to help you further. 

Alles Oke?

Alles Oké?" is a support line that offers support for anyone between the ages of 18 and 24 when things are not going well. Chat or call (0800-0450) anonymously with a trained volunteer for a listening ear. Every day between 2pm and 10pm. Fully anonymous.


113 Suicide Prevention

Thinking about suicide? Then you can call and chat with 113 completely anonymously. Call themfor free 0800-0113 or chat via www.113.nl/.


In case of emergencies call 112.

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